About Tom Gallovich
Tom The Artist
Since childhood watercolors and acrylics demanded most of my time. Evolving into a detailed wildlife artist, I began photographing the outdoors to obtain my own references for the illustrations. For maximum detail I established myself into the bird specimen loan program at the section of birds, Carnegie Museum. My goal is to create a strong composition that will hold the viewers eye while telling a story. I also use a Wacom 22”HD monitor to create nature, landscape, and science fiction illustrations in a digital form. An interesting change from the typical Arches 140lb cold press watercolor paper.
Since long ago I exhibited paintings at the Westmoreland County Museum (Aqueous Open, Pittsburgh Watercolor Society) and the Triennial and Biennial at the Southern Alleghenies Museum of Art Loretto, PA and several contracts for the Pennsylvania Game News. After building on my portfolio I began teaching at an associate degree level. Color & composition, perspective, illustration design, anatomy, and portfolio review just to name a few. While teaching; watercolor, acrylic, and drawing demonstrations were expected daily.
Also an active full member of the Pittsburgh Society of Artists and the Pittsburgh Society of Illustrators.
Tom The Photographer
Along the way I was drafted into the wedding and senior portrait photography. I maintained this schedule for over 18 years. During that time I enjoyed using my Hasselblads, Arca Swiss F1 4×5 and several 35mm film and digital cameras. To this day I have kept my own painted backgrounds, White Lightning Strobes and other equipment.
My artistic background coupled with photographic experience of all formats inspired my book “Power Composition – Develop Your Artistic Eye” (Amherst Media ISBN-13: 978-1608958474 ). I end the book with my own quote “to master composition is to understand the way people think” – Tom Gallovich. Because of my schedule at the time, writing this book was years in the making. I now maintain my own website to portray an ongoing photographic and artistic portfolio. I have found over my years of artistic endeavors nothing will ever replace experience.
Since the Art Institute of Pittsburgh days of 1982/83 much has changed since then.
I now will continue my never ending quest to master composition.